MINUTES OF MEETING GIR EAST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the GIR East Community Development District was held Wednesday, April 5, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. at 3850 Canoe Creek Rd., St. Cloud, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum: Mike Liquori Chairman Matt Call Vice Chairperson Rob Bonin Assistant Secretary Chancy Summers Assistant Secretary Also present were: George Flint District Manager, GMS Alyssa Willson District Counsel Strickland Smith District Engineer, Heidt Design FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Flint called the meeting to order and called the roll. Four Board members were present constituting a quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period Mr. Flinted noted that there were no members of the public present to provide public comment. THIRD ORDER OF BUSNESS Organizational Matters A. Administration of Oaths of Office to Newly Elected Supervisors Mr. Flint stated that he had given Chancy Summers the oath of office prior to the meeting. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Minutes of the January 4, 2023 Meeting and Acceptance of the Minutes of the January 4, 2023 Landowners’ Meeting Mr. Flint reviewed the minutes of the January 4, 2023 Board of Supervisors meeting and the January 4, 2023 Landowners meeting. He asked the Board if they had any comments or corrections to those. Mr. Liquori commented that in the second order of business, Mr. Flint’s name was spelled “Flinted” instead of Flint. On MOTION by Mr. Liquori, seconded by Mr. Call, with all in favor, the Minutes of the January 4, 2023 Meeting and Acceptance of the Minutes of the January 4, 2023 Landowners’ Meeting, were approved. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Ranking of Proposals for District Engineering Services and Selection of District Engineer Mr. Flint stated that the Board had hired Heidt as their interim District Engineer and had authorized them to issue an RFQ for engineering services. He noted that they had received one response from Heidt, adding that he had copies of their statement of qualifications on the agenda. He went over the criteria, noting that the respondent was a qualified engineering firm. The Board gave them 95 out of 100 points. Mr. Flint stated that the Board could rebid or select Heidt as the District Engineer, and the Board chose to select Heidt as their District Engineer. He asked for a motion to approve. On MOTION by Mr. Liquori, seconded by Mr. Call, with all in favor, the Selection of Heidt as the District Engineer, was approved. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Uniform Method Agreement with Osceola County Mr. Flint stated that the Uniform Method Agreement allowed the District to use the tax bill to collect any debt and O&M assessments. He asked for a motion to approve the agreement. On MOTION by Mr. Liquori, seconded by Mr. Call, with all in favor, the Uniform Method Agreement with Osceola County, was approved. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Data Sharing and Usage Agreement with Osceola County Mr. Flint presented the Data Sharing and Usage Agreement, noting that it was standard. He asked for a motion to approve. On MOTION by Mr. Liquori, seconded by Mr. Call, with all in favor, the Data Sharing and Usage Agreement with Osceola County, was approved. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2023-31 Approving the Proposed Fiscal Year 2024 Budget and Setting a Public Hearing Mr. Flint presented Resolution 2023-31, noting that it sets the public hearing for the Fiscal Year 2024 budget. He added that the Board was required each year by June 15th to approve a proposed budget, and set the date, place, and time of the public hearing. The Board decided to move the public hearing to Wednesday, August 2nd. On MOTION by Mr. Liquori, seconded by Mr. Call, with all in favor, Resolution 2023-31 Approving the Proposed Fiscal Year 2024 Budget and Setting a Public Hearing for August 2, 2023, was approved. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Agreement with Osceola County Tax Collector Mr. Flint presented the agreement with the Osceola County Tax Collector, adding that it was a standard agreement required by statutes. On MOTION by Mr. Liquori, seconded by Mr. Call, with all in favor, the Agreement with Osceola County Tax Collector, was approved. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney Ms. Willson stated she had nothing further to report, other than that her firm would follow up with materials for the budget. B. Engineer Mr. Smith stated he had nothing to report but thanked the Board for selecting Heidt as their engineer. C. District Manager’s Report i. Check Register Mr. Flint noted that the check register was from October 28th through February 28th for $38,309.79. He asked for a motion to approve. On MOTION by Mr. Liquori, seconded by Mr. Call, with all in favor, the Check Register, was approved. ii. Balance Sheet and Income Statement Mr. Flint noted that the financial were through February 28th, adding that there was no action required. iii. Ratification of Funding Requests #2-6 Mr. Flint presented funding requests #2 through #6, noting that they had been transmitted to the developer under the funding agreement. He asked for a motion to ratify. On MOTION by Mr. Call, seconded by Mr. Liquori, with all in favor, Funding Requests #2-6, were ratified. iv. Consideration of Funding Requests #7-8 Mr. Flint presented funding requests #7 and #8, noting that they had been transmitted to the developer under the funding agreement. On MOTION by Mr. Call, seconded by Mr. Liquori, with all in favor, Funding Requests #7-8, were approved. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Other Business There being no comments, the next item followed. TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisors Requests There being no comments, the next item followed. THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment On MOTION by Mr. Bonin, seconded by Mr. Call, with all in favor, the meeting was adjourned. Signature - George Flint Signature - Mike Liquori Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman